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Rise Up and Get Ready for the Epic!

Get Ready for the EPIC | Sunday, January 19 • IPEC Las Vegas

NSS Newsletter1

True Mother is deeply excited about the upcoming historic Cheon Won Gung Entrance Ceremony on April 13, 2025 in Korea. And so are we!

We invite you all to join us in person through attending a special event on Sunday, January 19, at the International Peace Education Center (IPEC) in Las Vegas, entitled “Get Ready for the EPIC.” It’s a great celebration with music, testimonies, and a greeting from True Mother and it’s the way that we, in America, will fully express our support of True Mother in her Heavenly mission!

Get a glimpse of the Cheon Won Gung Cheon Il Sanctum that True Mother has tirelessly worked on in preparation for the Entrance Ceremony.

We can’t wait to see you there! To attend, sign up below! If you can’t attend, it will also be broadcast live online link below.

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