
In preparation for the Peace Starts With Me Clergy Rally: A New Hope for a Heavenly Unified World on December 28, the Washington, D.C. Family Church held a prayer breakfast on Saturday, November 30 at the Pilgrim Baptist Church. More than 70 participants, including pastors, family, friends and guests, attended the program.
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What is peace? In a city long suffering from violence and racial tension, the American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC) founded the True Family Values (TFV) Awards Banquet in Chicago, Illinois in 1996 to promote interfaith and intercultural education. On October 19, 2019, the 24th TFV Awards Banquet was a 'Peace Starts With Me' Gala and JAM concert.
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Peace Starts With Me is a call to all Americans to come together as one family under God, transcending boundaries and religious affiliations. Peace is our choice. We are only limited by the boundaries we create within ourselves. So we asked participants from the Peace Starts With Me rallies what "Peace Starts With Me"  means to them.
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