Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. Builds Momentum

Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. Builds Momentum

In preparation for the Peace Starts With Me Clergy Rally: A New Hope for a Heavenly Unified World on December 28, the Washington, D.C. Family Church held a prayer breakfast on Saturday, November 30 at the Pilgrim Baptist Church. More than 70 participants, including pastors, family, friends and guests, attended the program. 

The event commenced with powerful praise songs performed by the Pilgrim Baptist Church choir, followed by Rev. Louis Jones, pastor of Pilgrim Baptist Church, offering welcoming remarks, a delicious breakfast and another performance, this time by the Washington, D.C. children’s choir. Father Bayo Adrien, pastor of the Richmond Family Church in Virginia, emceed the program, introducing guest speakers, Congressman Rev. Walter Fauntroy, Bishop Edward Barnett, Dr. Barbara Rainey, Dr. Osundu Chigbo, Ms. Dottie Chicquelo and Bishop Martin Webb, who each spoke about the inspirational Peace Starts With Me luncheon that took place on November 16. 

Southeast Regional Director Rev. Ernest Patton delivered the keynote address, thanking Rev. Jones, the Pilgrim Baptist Church and everyone else in attendance for making this prayer breakfast a success. He then invited participants to attend the December 28 rally, featuring the Mother of Peace, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, co-founder of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU). The program concluded with a Blessing toast, a closing song, a benediction by Rev. Jones, and a commitment by the Washington, D.C. Family Church community to continue hosting prayer events each week leading up to the December 28 rally.