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Reconciling Our Differences

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In fostering as much support as possible for Peace Starts with Me, the American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC), fueled by Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han moon’s vision of peace, have assembled a congregation of all faiths to attend Dr. Moon’s upcoming speech at Madison Square Garden.

In addition to their multiple prayer breakfasts with various pastors, ACLC has promoted the July 15 event throughout the latest edition of The Christian Times. ACLC representatives, including Pastor T.L. Barrett, Dr. Luonne Abram Rouse, and Bishop Jesse Edwards, proudly proclaimed to the world why they are supporting this historic message. “‘Peace begins with me’ is an existential truth, and I’ve made an experiential, informed choice to support,” said Dr. Rouse. 

Pastors and ministers outside of ACLC also expressed their reasons for attending and promoting this event, revealing that “Peace Starts with Me” is a message that resonates in people of all faiths. “I support this event because I believe that this is what Jesus would want us to do–people of all faiths and all races coming together for the cause of peace and unity,” said Rev. Joel Ray Youngblood of the Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church in Brooklyn. 

Rev. Dennis Dillon | Live With Demain Dunkley
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